“One life is too short for
doing everything.”

— Massimo Vignelli

“So Stop Arseing About and Get On With It!”

- Anonymous

About this Blog

I was originally inspired to start writing about my strained relationship with the bikes in my life, from reading blogs like 'Bikeexif' and 'Pipeburn'. I relate to all the 70's and 80's metal they feature. They are the bikes I grew up with. I also like 'Agnostic' attitude that Sideburns magazine's, 'Dirt Quake' event had. It's all about what you do and not what ride. My day job is owning and running dirtbike riding park, and we have the same attitude. We feel the most important thing is to get out there and ride and not worry what anyone else thinks about your bike or ability. We have ignited or re-ignited the desire to ride in so many people.

As you can see I love my stink wheels, which probably means I'm a bit of a masochist to put up with constant rebuilds, but like any addiction the high always out weighs the pain.  So Pipe Smoke will feature mostly two strokes of all sorts. Both mine and any others I find interesting. And it may even have a couple of diesels ( although diesel two strokes tend to have four wheels). ​

It will also mainly feature bikes from Western Australia. It's where I live, and I'm always amazed at what people have hidden in their sheds under an old blanket​. These bikes deserve to see at least fifteen minutes of fame. And just maybe I might inspire someone else to dust off that bike hiding at the back of the shed and use it for what it was made for. As the quote at the top of the page says 'Life's short, get on with it!'

About Me

I was born in Wyalkatchem, a small town in the heart of the 'Wheatbelt' in Western Australia. And I'm still here.​ By choice I might add.

My grandfather first came to Wyalkacthem in the 1920's to grow wheat and graze sheep. Which my father took over.

I left school at seventeen and worked on the farm for a year before going to work driving trucks. After about ten years of that, I left truck driving to take over the running of the farm.

At the end of 2007 a friend suggested the idea of making a place on the farm for people to come and ride their dirtbikes. There had been a big push to clamp down on people riding on vacant government land and nature reserves.

In 2008 we set about making it happen as a bit of a side project for both of us.

By 2009 what started out as a couple of tracks was turning into 100 acres of riding tracks, a cafe and camp ground. I now run the park full time and get to indulge my passion of anything on two wheels.......sometimes.