...been waiting for the postman.

It's arrived. A big bag of parts from Yambits has arrived with everything I needed. I hope it's all I need. It's definetly not all I wanted but I had to draw a line somewhere. 

First job was to remove the back wheel again and replace the lumps of coal that used to be the cush drive rubbers. Simple enough even though I had tensioned the chain, not expecting the parts to arrive so quick. Or maybe thinking I was going to get more done than I did.​

Before refitting the carbs I took the opportunity to soda blast the top of the crankcase​, barrels and heads. I was hoping the header pipes would clean up a bit better than they did. They may need re-plating in the future.

Next up was to refit both carbs with the new  airbox 'Y'. They went on without a hitch. I will cut some new drain hoses later. The quality of the reproduction airbox ​'Y' was excellent and it even came with clamps. I decided to reuse the old clamps as there wasn't anything wrong with them and I wasn't happy with the design of the large clamp. Definatley not up to the standard of the rest. After much wiggling and pushing it fitted perfectly. 

Next, the battery and its box. ​Getting close now.